About e-PAMS

As per CWC “Guidelines for Submission, Appraisal and Acceptance of Irrigation and Multi-purpose Projects” brought out in 2017, provision for online submission of project proposals through the web-enabled e-PAMS (Project Appraisal Management System) has been made.

The system has been developed in such a way that it facilitates the intended timely appraisal without affecting or compromising with the required technical expertise during appraisal. Requirement of hard copies of the project proposals is minimized to a great extent.

There are four modules in the e-PAMS, one each for the Irrigation & Multi- purpose Projects, Flood Control/Coastal Protection/Drainage Projects, Flood Control projects (Ganga Basin) dealt by GFCC and the Externally Assisted & National Projects (Agglomerated projects).

The specific work-flow depending on the appraisal process involved for each category of projects from the stage of online submission to appraisal in the specialised directorates of CWC has been maintained in the e-PAMS besides both way communication between CWC & State Government concerned

The system maintains the overall uniformity and conformity in the appraisal process while simultaneously ensuring efficiency, timeliness, transparency and accountability with technological ease & user-friendliness.